D. Miles, or “Pop-Pop,” which means “Grandfather” is an exceptional storyteller whose passion for writing began at a young age. With a gift for crafting adventurous tales that explore human relationships from a child’s perspective, his love for storytelling began with his vivid imagination and reading. He creates honest and authentic stories that are true to life, weaving compelling narratives that captivate and inspire readers of all ages. His captivating narratives can transport readers to magical worlds filled with wonder and excitement, appealing to a broad range of ages and inspiring readers across generations.


When Treyce was diagnosed with Autism and ADHD it marked a very important moment in my life. I wanted to instill in him the morals and values that I did with his father. I wanted to be more than just his “Pop-Pop” I wanted to be his co-adventurer exploring the world through his eyes. His intuitive nature and thirst for knowledge inspired me to capture our daily adventures.

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